The Guild of Natural Science Illustrators (GNSI) "Habitats" show continues, and my painting of the Red-cockaded Woodpecker now hangs in the Environmental Science Center at Yale University. The exhibit space here is completely different from the walls of the Highstead Center. The paintings are hung along a hallway, the entire length of which students, faculty, staff and visitors will traverse many times a day.
Habitats show on the exhibit wall in Yale's Environmental Science Center. |
The space is illuminated by skylights, four floors above, which cast a glow of natural light on a four-story-high wall of Italian plaster, painted in a rich yellow-ochre color. This is the second stop for our GNSI chapter's annual show, in this completely functional, but surprisingly lovely place. The "Habitats" show will be on view through June. This show's opening party will be held in March - we'll keep you posted, and it would be great to see you there!
GNSI members' business cards and the exhibit booklet |
And, though it's still a
l-o-n-g way off, Guild members have chosen "Camouflage" for the theme of our next show - I'm working on some ideas! (September 2013)